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Currently we already have a contract with all health insurance companies.
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HydePark Dent, a new dental clinic, opens its door on October 17th 2016.
Our credo is to provide complex care. Our main goal is dental treatment without the need for continual repairs ensuring long term health and stability. All our treatment is provided in one location using the most modern technology.
Regular high quality medical examinations are an essential part of dental care and extremely close attention has to be paid to every detail. We do not diagnose by guessing, we check up properly.
Clean teeth do not decay and proper hygiene helps to prevent many problems. We will not only clean your teeth, but also instruct you on better care in your own home.
If a problem does occur, nothing is easier than to fix the tooth in time. We offer high quality fillings that last.
Unresolved problems only lead to more extensive damage to the tooth and may eventually cause dental pulp infection. The only possible solution which preserves the tooth is a root canal treatment.
Healthy gums and bones are just as important as teeth without cavities. Without them the tooth cannot be properly anchored and will eventually fall out. At our clinic we understand this often neglected areas and perform very detailed check-ups.
If a tooth cannot be repaired the only possible solution is its extraction. We do simple extractions as well as surgical ones, not only of wisdom teeth but also of pathological formations.
An examination performed without an X-ray snapshot cannot be sufficient, that is why an X-ray is always part of the regular check-up at our clinic. The highest-level technology we use is a CT which allows us a comprehensive detailed 3D view of the jaws and teeth.
What to do in case of loss of a tooth or teeth? The solution to install an implant which fully replaces your tooth and allows you to chew again easily.
Currently we already have a contract with all health insurance companies.
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